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Boys Casual Shoes
Casual Shoes are popualr for everyday wear, so if you're thinking of buying a pair, it’s important to make sure they have the right footwear, so they're comfortable all day long.
Choosing the right casual boys shoes doesn’t have to be a hard job, but there are a few things to consider when doing so. A rugged and durable pair of shoes will help withstand the stresses of being worn, and choosing the right material will also play a big part. If your little one is off outside to play in the puddles, or maybe even help you do a spot of gardening, a good, solid pair of wellies will be invaluable.
Here we’re going to take a look at the types of casual shoes that are available as well as what to look out for when buying casual footwear.
There are many different types of boys casual footwear to choose from, and what you should consider when buying them is what they’re likely to be worn for and for how long. Here we’re going to take a look at some of the styles available and what they might be suitable for:
Available in lots of different styles and designs and often referred to as plimsolls, boys canvas shoes are probably the most suitable for everyday wear. Most canvas shoes are made from a cotton blend so are great for keeping your little boy's feet cool and dry during the summer months due to their excellent moisture wicking properties. Canvas shoes however, aren’t waterproof so should be reserved for warm and dry days.
A wardrobe staple for most little boys, trainers are usually the go to footwear for most activities. Comfortable, durable and supportive, boys trainers make a great alternative to canvas shoes, especially in the colder months of the year as they’re a little more protective. When buying trainers, always try to buy them with a cotton lining, this will help prevent bacteria growth and will help prevent excess sweating.
Everyone needs a good pair of wellington boots. They're durable, waterproof and often the footwear of choice by toddlers all year round, boys wellies come in all sorts of funky styles and designs, some even have popular characters that will certainly make them love them even more. Wellies are generally made to be a wider fit, this is so that chunky socks can be worn during the winter months, because of that, don’t be tempted to size up as it’s not necessary and doing so could affect your boys ability to walk.
When something a little more fitted is required, a good quality pair of boots will see them through the winter months… and if they’re adorned with their favourite character, even better! Choosing a rugged pair of character boots for boys that have laces or easy fastening will mean they weather well and fit securely making them suitable for even the harshest of conditions.
Classy and comfortable, desert boots have become increasingly trendy over the last few years. Available in lots of different stylish colours they’re certainly the footwear of choice. Most often made from leather or suede with a flexible sole, desert boots are the ideal shoes for being comfortable. As the name would suggest, desert boots are better suited to warmer and drier days due to their thinner, less rugged sole compared with winter boots.
Boys casual styles? Shop the range here!Shop Now
When choosing casual shoes for boys there are a few things that need to be taken into account, checkout the list below for what to consider when buying:
When buying shoes always consider the type of weather they’re going to be used in, buying canvas shoes in winter isn’t going to be good for your their feet! Check out our guide to choosing shoes for the seasons for more on this topic.
If the shoes you’re buying for your boy are to go with a particular outfit, choose a colour that matches, or if they have a favourite colour, it’s likely you’ll have to consider that too!
Choosing the right kind of material for your little boy's shoes can have a big impact on foot health, choosing natural materials such as cotton, wool and leather as opposed to manmade materials, will help prevent bacteria growth caused by sweating.
Considering the flexibility of the shoe is a priority when choosing a pair for your boy. A rigid sole isn’t a good choice for toddlers as they aren’t able to flex their feet properly, which may discourage them from walking. On the flip side, a sole that is too soft may not offer the structure and protection your boys feet need when out on adventures.
If there’s one thing shoes have to be it’s durable! It’s important that the shoes they’re wearing can put up with them. A good insole and a structured heel will help with durability.
Probably the biggest thing to consider when choosing boys shoes. If a pair of shoes aren’t comfortable to wear or they’re causing sores and blisters, they’re probably never going to be right. Follow our boys fitting guide to make sure you get the best fit to help avoid any potential problems.
Whether it’s a wedding, party or they're about to start school, buying the correct shoes for the occasion is extremely important. Selecting formal footwear can be a hard task but using our guide should help ease the pressure!
Now you've read about our boys casual shoes, treat his feet to pair from our online range!