Single bow shoelace knot
Got a brand new pair of shoes and want to know how to tie a single bow shoelace knot? Take a look at the simple steps below:
1. Start with your shoelaces untangled and even in length.
2. Cross one lace over the other, creating an "X" shape with the laces.
3. Take the lace that was underneath and wrap it around the other lace. This will create a loop.
4. Feed the end of the looping lace through the hole created by the "X" and pull it through. This will form the first half of the knot.
5. Now, take the lace that was on top (the one that was not used for the loop) and create a second loop.
6. Pass the end of this second loop through the hole created by the "X" in the opposite direction (from underneath to on top) and pull it through. This will complete the knot.
7. To secure the knot, hold onto both loops and pull them tight. Make sure the knot is snug but not too tight to allow for comfort.
8. Finally, adjust the loops and ends of the laces as needed to make sure the bow is even and looks neat.
That's it! Now you’re ready to take your new trainers out for a spin.
Double bow shoelace knot
But perhaps a single bow is not enough, and you need that extra support. Why not try out a double bow shoelace knot? For the most part, the same rules as the single apply to the double bow. There are just a few extra steps that follow:
1. Start with your shoe laces untangled and even in length.
2. Cross one lace over the other to create an "X" shape with the laces.
3. Take the lace that was on top (the one that didn't cross over) and wrap it around the other lace, forming a loop.
4. Pass the end of the looping lace through the hole created by the "X" from underneath. This creates the first part of the knot.
5. Pull both ends of the laces to tighten the first knot, but do not fully tighten it.
6. Now, create a second loop with the lace that was originally on the bottom.
7. This time, pass the end of the second loop over the first loop and through the hole from the top. This forms the second part of the knot.
8. Pull both loops to tighten the second knot, ensuring that it's snug.
9. To secure the double bow, hold onto both loops and pull them apart from each other. This tightens both knots and prevents them from coming undone.
10. Adjust the loops and ends of the laces to make sure the double bow looks neat and symmetrical.
And there you have it, a secure and reliable bow.
TOP TIP: If either of the loops go too far and come undone while pulling, STOP! Continuing to pull will cause the knot to get stuck and will be harder to undo. To release it, simply pull the end of the lace for the loop that is still in tact.