Christmas Shopping Survival Tips
When it comes to making the most of the festive season, preparation is the best cure for Christmas shopping stress. Here are our top tips for keeping calm when shopping at Christmas:
Set a Budget
With Christmas shopping, it’s so easy to get caught up in the festivities and end up spending more than you bargained for. Set yourself a spending limit, and stick to it.
Give yourself a realistic budget of what you’d like to spend on presents and then divide it up between the people that you’d like to buy for.
If you’re on a tight budget, there are also hundreds of ways to show that you care that won’t cost you a lot. Got a friend who’s always asking for your brownie recipe? Why not bake her a batch and write the recipe in a cute card rather than purchasing those expensive toiletries that are probably going to end up in the back of their bathroom cupboard?
Go Armed with a List
A little preparation can go a long way. Whether you’re an early bird shopper or find yourself leaving things to the last minute, do NOT leave the house without a list. A list will help you keep your budget in line, and your spending under control.
Your Christmas shopping list doesn’t have to be a big, elaborate, spreadsheet; just a few must purchase items will be enough to keep you on the straight and narrow. It could be as broad as “T-shirts for dad”, or “new perfume for mum”, but that will give you a good starting point.
If it’s not on the list, it’s not going in your shopping basket. Make a note of things you see that you think people might like, but don’t purchase there and then unless you’re sure of your purchase. You’ll find, most of the time, that those “Oh, I’ll just grab that” buys are the ones you end up regretting.
And don’t forget, Christmas shopping doesn’t just include gifts. Think cards, decorations, crackers, food, the list goes on. It’s easy to lose track, but with a shopping list, you’ll know exactly what you need. It may even help you plan your route through the shops too!
Shop Alone
Okay, we know we sound like proper Scrooges now, but it’s true that no-one enjoys spending your money more than other people. And when you’re tired and stressed and would do anything to get home and put your feet up, you’re more likely to agree to buy something that isn’t ideal!
Try to do the bulk of your Christmas shopping solo if possible, as there’s no-one there to sway you into (or out of) a purchase. If you’re armed with a list and a strong resolve, then you may find Christmas shopping with friends and family a breeze, but a solo shopping escapade is likely to be gentler on your wallet.
Take a Break
Even if you’re on a mission, be sure to take a break every now and then. A quick bite to eat, a cup of tea or coffee, or even a glass of water will keep your energy levels up, and have a positive effect on your patience, too!