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How and Where to Store Women’s Shoes

>How and Where to Store Women’s Shoes

Shoes, shoes and more shoes! Not many of us are blessed with endless space or a walk-in wardrobe that only dreams are made of, so how do we have the shoes, without storage? Well.. It's time to get creative!

We’ve been doing some fishing around to see what useful tips and storage solutions for ladies shoes there are out there and we have to say, we’re suitably impressed!

There are so many shoe storage options out there that can help to maximise a space while still looking funky at the same time. Many are also perfect for the DIY enthusiast, so getting creative doesn’t have to cost the earth either, which is always welcome!

Effective shoe storage can also help to protect your treasured footwear as well as organise it. Shoes that end up in a pile by the front door won’t look pretty for very long, so it’s important to show them the love and respect they deserve by providing them with their own little piece of storage heaven.

So, let’s dig in!...

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How to Store Women’s Shoes

As easy as it is just to throw shoes in the bottom of the wardrobe, there’s a good chance it won’t do them any favours. Different types and styles of shoes require different types of storage, what works for stiletto heels isn’t necessarily going to work for wellies and so on.

Protect and Preserve!

The materials your shoes are made of should also be taken into consideration when it comes to how they’re stored. For example, you don’t really want to store women’s leather or suede shoes near a heat source, as doing so can cause the material to dry out and ultimately crack.

Store Women's Boots

One of the biggest things to consider when storing shoes (of any type) is direct sunlight. No shoes should be left in the sun for long periods of time as it’s likely they’ll start to bleach. Walking around with shoes that aren’t quite the same colour is never a good look. If you can’t avoid direct sunlight, consider putting your shoes in a cloth bag. This will prevent any of the harmful rays reaching your shoes.

Using protective bags can also help prevent scuffs and marks, especially if you have a particularly delicate pair of patent shoes or jewelled sandals.

If you find that boots are difficult to store - particularly knee high boots — there are a couple of simple things you can do to help maintain their shape and protect against damage.

You could use specially made inserts called shoe trees that are designed to fit the exact shape of your boots, helping them to stand up. If however you want a quick and super cheap fix, a pool noodle cut in half can be just as effective. Another way to help them keep their shape is to store them upside down: use wooden dowling that can be inserted inside the boots, attach this to a board that can be fixed to the wall for a simple yet effective boot store.

TOP TIP: Always make sure the soles of your boots are completely dry before turning upside down, boots with dirty water marks are never something you want!

Rack ‘Em Up!

When floor space is at a premium, often the only way you can go is up, and using old, seemingly useless items to build a totally unique shoe rack is definitely something that’s worth a try.

If your tastes are quite shabby-chic or you want to channel those French provincial vibes, old fruit crates that are stacked and then secured together can make a great feature for your home as well as serve a purpose. You could even paint them in a funky colour to really make your new shoe rack stand out.

Another idea that we love uses drain pipes (stick with us) to give you a stylish and modern shoe rack. Simply take a length of drainpipe and cut into a number of smaller lengths of approximately 12-14 inches. Depending on how many “holes” you’d like, consider the circumference of the drainpipe before cutting, will it be too big, too small or just right? The cut pieces can then be arranged and stacked as you wish, using hot glue to secure them as you build.

If you’d like to repurpose an old set of shelves, this is probably the easiest way to create yourself a new shoe rack. Most units will have pre-drilled holes so the height of each shelf can be varied. First, set each shelf at an angle so that it’s raked forward. From there, use wooden dowling to create a “railing” across the front of each shelf, this may require some hole drilling but is extremely useful as it will prevent the shoes from sliding off the shelf. This type of shoe rack is great for showcasing your collection of jazzy party shoes.

Hooked on Shoes!

If you’re not feeling the whole build-your-own-shoe-rack thing, then hooks can be your new best friend when it comes to shoe storage. Simply add some strong hooks to any empty wall space, and suspend some durable rope between them. Use modified coat hangers to hang your shoes from them. This method works best with womens flat shoes such as ballet pumps and flat sandals.

Hooks can also be added to the inside of your wardrobe if you want to maximise the space in there (use stick on hooks if you don’t want to make holes). This is great if you want to store women's trainers or lace up pumps. Just tie the laces together and hang a pair on each hook… voilà!

Use a Floordrobe!

What about using floor space that you thought you didn’t have? That’s right, we’re talking about that cavernous abyss that’s under your bed. Admittedly this doesn’t apply to everyone but this space is perfect for shoe storage if you have it.

To make life even easier, why not create yourself a shoe “drawer”? Simply find a large picture frame, attach it to a board of equal size, add a small castor wheel to each corner and away you go, the perfect pull out for all your pretties. Add a touch of paint to match your bed and you have yourself the perfect shoe storage drawer. This works just as well with an actual drawer too, just make sure it’s not being used first!

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What causes shoes to go mouldy in cupboards?

Have you gone to grab a pair of shoes out of the cupboard and noticed mould growing on them? You are not alone. Unfortunately, shoes can develop mould in cupboards due to several factors:

1. Moisture: if shoes are stored in a damp or humid environment, it creates a conducive atmosphere for mould growth. Moisture can accumulate in closed cupboards, especially if the area is not well-ventilated.

2. Poor ventilation: lack of proper air circulation in the cupboard can contribute to mould growth. Shoes that are stored in airtight or poorly ventilated spaces are more likely to retain moisture and grow mould.

3. Dirty or damp shoes: if shoes are stored without proper cleaning or if they are damp when put away, they provide an ideal environment for mould spores to thrive.

4. Leather or fabric material: certain shoe materials, such as leather or fabric, are more prone to mould growth compared to synthetic materials. These materials can retain moisture and organic matter, creating an environment favourable for mould.

5. Long-term storage: shoes left unused for an extended period are more susceptible to mould growth. Regularly wearing and airing out your shoes can help prevent mould development.

How to store different types of shoes

We know how it feels to have too many shoes and not know what to do with them all. Some may be seasonal, for special occasions, or you may not find yourself reaching for them that often. If this is the case, we give some simple storage tips for all types of shoes. That way you can keep your shoes looking fresher for longer.

How to store trainers

First off, give them a good scrub to shake off any dirt or stains. After a run or a stroll, you need to let your shoes breathe - take out the insoles so they can dry out properly and avoid any horrible smells. You should also loosen up the laces when you're not wearing them. Find a cool, dry spot for your trainers to avoid any mouldy surprises. As an extra, use shoe trees or just stuff them with newspaper to keep them looking fresh.

How to store boots

Or maybe you have boots that need storing safely. Start the process by giving them a quick clean to shake off any dirt or mud – a brush or a damp cloth does the trick. If they are a little wet, let them air dry naturally before you stash them away. Keep your boots standing tall by using boot shapers or stuff them with some old newspaper. When you're stashing them, make sure they're standing upright to avoid any creases and give them space for some good airflow. Tuck them away in a cool, dry spot, away from the sun to avoid any fading or cracking. Lastly, if they're leather, treat them with a conditioner before storing them to keep the material supple.

How to store high heels

To store your favourite pairs of high heels, begin by giving them a quick wipe to bid farewell to any dust or dirt. If they've been out in the rain, let them air dry naturally. As an extra, consider using shoe trees or stuffing them with tissue to keep their shape intact. When it's time to tuck them away, stand them upright to avoid any awkward bends. If space is minimal, you can stack them, but be gentle – no heavy items up top. Find a cool, dry spot away from direct sunlight to keep them looking sharp. And if they're leather, a little conditioner before storage is highly recommended.

How to store sandals

Once summer is over, you might be looking to store away your beach sandals. If this is the case, give them a quick wipe to take off any lingering dust or dirt. If your sandals have been on a beach adventure, make sure they're fully dry before storing them. Then, simply toss them into a shoe organiser or line them up neatly. If you want to go the extra mile, use shoe bags to keep them dust-free. Just find a comfy spot, maybe under your bed or in a cupboard, before their next sunny outing.

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How to Store Shoes to Prevent Mould

It could be that you’re wanting to put shoes away for a long period of time, such as storing your winter boots over the summer months. But one of the biggest things to consider when doing this is how easy it is for them to go mouldy if not stored correctly. Below are a few tips to help you make sure they remain fresh and mould and mildew free:

  • Thoroughly clean them - Always make sure you give your shoes a good clean before putting them away, remove any dirt or debris. If your shoes are leather, use a good quality cleaner and an antibacterial shoe spray for added protection.
  • Make sure they’re totally dry - The biggest mistake you can make is putting shoes away that are damp. Thoroughly towel dry them after cleaning to remove as much moisture as possible. Stuffing your shoes with scrunched up newspaper will also help draw out any additional moisture.
  • Store in a cool, dry place - Probably a pretty obvious one but you don’t want to keep your shoes in conditions that are perpetually damp or hot. This is the perfect environment for bacteria to grow so alway opt for a temperate, dry storage space. Avoid storing shoes in places like the garage or shed.
  • Avoid using plastic storage containers - As protective as they are, they also create a pretty good environment for bacteria growth as they don’t allow air to circulate around the shoes. If there is any moisture present, there's a good chance that condensation will form, ultimately damaging your footwear.
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Shoe storage can be a real problem, especially if you’re a keen collector. Getting a little innovative can go a long way and will not only serve a purpose but can add a new feature to your home too. We hope you find our tips and tricks for shoe storage and maintenance useful… because everyone deserves perfect shoes!

There’s Your Excuse to Buy More Shoes!

You’ve got the storage, now it’s time to fill it. That means more shoes! And we’ve got plenty of those…

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